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Over 46 Years Experience in Ruminant Nutrition

Nutritech offers a complete range of nutritional services to increase the productivity of your livestock. Years of experience means that you get results. Some of our services include:

Least Cost Ration & Supplement Formulation
Extensive experience in the feed manufacturing industry has enabled us to know how to reduce your supplement costs and have better results.

Feed Purchasing Consultation Using Nutritional Values
You can save thousands of dollars paying the right price for different nutrient value comparisons between similar feeds.

Health Management
Particularly calf scours, weaning health, footrot, pinkeye in the winter, and similar seemingly incurable problems.

Breeding Management
Increase percent of weaned calves, decrease open second calf heifers.

Profitability Projections
Including wintering calves, feedlot fattening, summer pasture.

Wintering & Back-Grounding
Significantly reduce cow wintering and calf back-grounding costs while maintaining optimum performance.

Feedlot Performance
Large as well as small feedlots can maximize profits and reduce health costs by fine tuning their rations and management skills.

Growing & Finishing Buffalo
Bison have a special way of growing. Understand and know the procedures for finishing buffalo.

Supplementation of Wildlife Species
Winter supplements for deer and elk without the hazard of feed sickness so common to typical "grain" supplements.

Chuck Hurst

Ruminant Nutritionist

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